
Amabili Confini 2024 in Matera

Amable Boundaries 2024 is a cultural event that celebrates writing as a tool for social inclusion and regeneration. This year, the event will be held from May 16 to June 13, with a preview on May 2 and a special off program, Amable Boundaries Off, on June 20.

The Theme of the Ninth Edition: “OBLIO”

The theme “OBLIO” was selected for its evocative power and ability to resonate with everyone’s experiences. As in previous editions, Lovable Boundaries aims to give voice to participants’ emotions and thoughts through writing. This theme offers a unique opportunity to explore the concept of forgetting, loss and memory in creative and personal ways.

Event Structure

Sections of Amabili Confini

  1. Social Peripheries: This section gives voice to the stories of migrants in reception centers and inmates in the Matera Prison House, offering them a platform to express their stories and emotions.
  2. Out of Area: Reserved for stories from other parts of Basilicata and other Italian regions, this section expands the scope of the event to include a wide range of voices and perspectives.
  3. Lovable Verses: In addition to short stories, participants may submit poems inspired by the theme of the edition, enriching the event with stylistic and creative diversity.
  4. Lovable Alchemy: This section promotes relationships and synergies with other cultural associations, fostering contaminations and the development of new ideas through the enthusiasm and activism of enthusiasts.

Modalities of Participation

Each participant may submit only one entry, which must be submitted in digital format (.docx, .doc or .txt) and not exceed 250 lines (5 A4 pages). The file name must contain the participant’s first and last name, the title of the story or poem, and the neighborhood to which it belongs. Participation is open to residents of all regions of Italy, with a focus on representation of different communities.

A Social Regeneration Project

Amabili Confini began as a social regeneration project for the suburbs of Matera, conceived by Francesco Mongiello and organized by the Amabili Confini Social Promotion Association. The project focuses on culture as an engine of development, using storytelling to bridge the deficit of citizen participation and stimulate the community to find itself and recognize itself in a common place.

Sharing and Inclusion

Il progetto è un esempio edificante di come la partecipazione attiva degli abitanti possa promuovere una crescita culturale della comunità. Gli abitanti condividono le finalità del progetto e contribuiscono alla sua diffusione attraverso il passaparola e altri mezzi di promozione. Amabili Confini intende dare voce anche agli esclusi e agli emarginati, permettendo loro di superare i “confini” che li separano dalla comunità e di esprimere le proprie emozioni..

Participate in Lovable Boundaries 2024

If you are passionate about writing and would like to share your story or poem on the theme “OBLIO”, don’t miss the opportunity to participate in Lovable Boundaries 2024. Ten will be chosen from all the writings. The selection criterion is based mainly on the ability of the texts to arouse emotions in the reader, transcending the formal and literary aspect. Lovable Boundaries is not a traditional literary prize: there are no juries, academics or experts to evaluate the stories. The goal is to encourage anyone to try their hand at writing, bringing out qualities that are often undervalued and broadening the audience of participants as much as possible.

Quid Restaurant in Matera

If you are planning to visit Matera, don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy lunch at Quid Restaurant. Located in the heart of Matera’s picturesque Sassi, it offers fine dining that promises a complete sensory experience. Innovative pairings, a refined menu, an enchanting atmosphere and a quest for culinary excellence make this restaurant a must-visit during your visit to Matera.

Ristorante Quid
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